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5:03 PM

8 mi


7:18 mi


170 bpm
185 bpm
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Copied and pasted from Strava because RunningAhead deserves this content, too.

People need to stop using “bitch” and “pussy” to describe poor performances. When you use that sort of gendered language, you’re implying that women are inferior to men. For example, someone says, “I raced like a little bitch.” This is problematic because:

A) Bitch (etym. Female dog) is associated with femininity

B) In this context, “bitch” is also associated with weakness

Thus, the underlying message is: “I raced in a feminine manner, and that is a bad/ weak thing.”

Another example: “I was a pussy in the middle”

This is even worse, because not only do points A and B apply, but (C) it also uses synecdoche to reduce a woman to nothing more than her value as a sex object.

Racing tough has nothing to do with gender, and when you use gendered terms to describe weakness, you insult every woman you know. Be more intentional with semantics.

Be better.

Also, this was a little too zesty for Strava, but how many men do you know who've raced with blood flowing from their uterus? Tell me one more fucking time that women aren't tough.
