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4:23 PM

6.6 mi


7:24 mi


148 bpm
180 bpm
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Midway +


Mileage + 150s with Trinity! Feeling so thankful to be back with my team (and I was only apart for a few days!)

Today, I stopped by Coach's office. He said, "I need your grandpa's phone number."

I go, "Which one?"

Ah, yes, let me give you the hotline to heaven for my grandpa who passed away ten years ago. ???? What was I thinking??

Then Coach says, "The far away one," and all I could think was, 'well, it doesn't get much farther than heaven.'

What I said was, "I'll text it to you."

So that's where I'm at.

Spitz is going to take Aubrie and me out in a 17:10, aiming to build for a 17:00 5k on Saturday. YEET
