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10:15 AM

6.1 mi


7:04 mi


152 bpm
167 bpm
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Rainbow Road


Thought about the massive impact that the invention of the printing press has had upon the human race. I mean, seriously, think about it. Gutenberg's moveable type press in 1452 changed everything. It enabled the mass dissemination of information. it sparked a new paradigm regarding information. Everyone had access to information, so there were more people studying and learning and coming up with new ideas. And then there was so much information that we couldn't handle it all, so people specialize, and we have to trust one another's information. The printing press made everything change from handwriting to typing. It led to the typewriter, which led to the computer keyboard, which led to smart phones and everything related to that today. The printing press enabled the novel, the paperback, mass produced romances and sci fi and realistic fiction and NOVELS. Holy shit, Gutenberg. Did you know that you were going to change the world forever?
