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3:46 PM

14.8 mi


14.64 mi / hr


129 bpm
143 bpm


39 F
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This was terrible. Even for cross training, this was an especially torturous bike ride. It was raining (but my only option was to bike outside) and cold and a little windy. I didn't have a rain jacket, so I had a trash bag with holes cut in it to protect me from the elements. I wore shorts (like a dummy) and the rain and wind lashed at me with a bone-piercing chill that permeated every fiber of my being. I refused to turn around early, even though it was miserable. Fortunately, on the way back, the rain let up a little and the wind was from the side and maybe a little bit to the rear. When I got back, I was so cold that I could barely walk, and I went and stood underneath the bathroom heater for 15 minutes. I was still cold until I drank two mugs of tea.
