Run: Long Previous Next


7:09 AM

14.5 mi


6:56 mi


160 bpm
180 bpm


68 F
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WOO, finally a good long run! I think this was my best run since I've been back at school, even though according to my watch it was a bike ride (oops). Did the first half with Madz, Alec, and Ali; Alec and i turned around, and I stuck with him for a mile or two before he dropped me, but I was still moving along pretty well.

There were wonderful rolling hills that you could really grind on, but they weren't monstrous.

There was a house with a bunch of chickens, and the occupants were definitely cooking scrambled eggs and french toast with lots of butter and it smelled amazing!

Such a beautiful run! Just kept thinking, make it hurt now, and you can revel in the soreness for the rest of the day! L O V E post-LR sore muscles hehe.
