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4:52 PM

0.8 mi


0.71 mi / hr


132 bpm
163 bpm


1 / 10
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SO frustrated with my fracking foot. Turns out I have apparently sprained a toe. And sprains, of course, are painful, but I can't make it worse by running on it. Not gonna lie, this cross train day was an enormous mental challenge. To add insult to injury, I got stuck on the broken eliptiGO, and I was close to tears at several points because I'm just so angry about this stupid foot and I'm nervous about the 5k and I feel like a freaking baby because for Pete's sake, it's a TOE, and it's just pain. I need to get over myself and get my head screwed on straight. It's so hard to be positive when I'm not running. I also feel like I'm complaining to everyone and I hate myself for it.


Clare Dave

This is from today’s post by Lucy Bartholomew (10/10 recommend checking her out she took 3rd in Western States 100 last year is just a really cool gal). She sprained her ankle a little while back and is just now starting to run again.

“Is never really had an injury until January 1 when I rolled my ankle. That’s pretty lucky to go so long non stop. I feel like that rock was out there for a reason- a tap on the shoulder to say ‘hey girl, let’s take a break’. It was hard at first, I had written...

Clare Dave

... my goals and training out and was ready to set the tone for 2019. Life happened. These moments create strength- they refill your gratitude cup and balance you out. Every time I look down at my shell of a body I can’t help but say ‘hey girl, what you can do it amazing’”

Shes also Australian so reading it in her accent makes it 10x better

Clare Dave

As much as they suck, I think injuries are an important part of the running process. It makes us slow down and remember all the little things we have started to take for granted. I know you’re cross training hard and continuing to build your fitness, so when you come back off of this I don’t think you’ll see any backwards progress, just more gratitude for this amazing sport and your body’s ability to do it. Throughout the whole thing we’re all right here- 🎶 dying for you 🎶

Carina Collet

Clare, thank you so much. 🖤 You are amazing and I don't deserve comments like this or friends like you, wow. 😌