Run: Tempo Previous Next


9:16 AM

13 mi


6:40 mi


175 bpm
191 bpm


30 F
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warm up + 10 mile tempo-ish shenanigans.

This was a bit of a wild ride. First of all, I planned out a route and then promptly forgot most of it. Once I hit sidewalk construction on the one street I was sure of, I knew it was over. So I ended up out on some hilly country road, and every time I tried to turn back toward town, I hit a dead end.

Secondly, I was planning on going 8 at marathon pace (read: 6:50), but then I hit the first mile in 6:26 and I felt great, so I figured I might as well try to maintain that. At about 7 miles in, I realized that I could easily get to 10, and I only regretted that decision from 9.3 to 9.7, so it worked out.

I also got a lot of concerned glances from passerby, but I think that was because I was wearing a tank top



Sheesh! I guess fast 10 mile tempos are just the move this week!

Carina Collet

You can't fight fate, I guess