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11:11 AM

4.3 mi


7:05 mi


158 bpm
177 bpm
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River Road


Today, I thought about how easy it would be for me to get a nice boyfriend and settle down. Really, it wouldn't be that hard, I could pull a Taylor Swift and "find out what you want, be that girl for a month." The problem is threefold. 1. I'm really too focused on self-actualization right now, 2. I set impossible standards, and 3. I am a die-hard ROMANTIC. I want ballgowns and red lipstick and hidden daggers and danger, but also long autumn walks through the forest at sunrise, and breathtaking, adrenaline-inducing getaways, and dogs and dish soap bubble fights. I want someone who I can hold high-level intellectual conversations with who will also lay down on the floor and play toy cars with me. I want respect.

So, clearly I'm not asking for much, idk why the boys are lining down the block just to watch what I got


Hidaly Hernandez

i love this haha :) i can't wait for the day that you meet your prince charming!!

Clare Dave

darlin you're a nightmare dressed like a daydream ;)