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4:18 PM

9.2 mi


7:15 mi


167 bpm
188 bpm
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Pushing pace is a toxic trait. Easy runs should be at conversation pace and if you can't make conversation, find a better easy run group. I was feeling antisocial today anyway and then we ran through a cemetery and didn't even go down the rows and so I just said :fuck it: and let the group drop me because I'm a grown woman and I do what I want.



Damn straight. Found myself pushing pace up a hill this morning for a split second and then I was like, "WTF you doing boi?!? This a easy run, CHILL!" and I immediately dropped down to like 9:00 pace up the rest of the hill, lol.

Brandi Antonio


Carina Collet

lol that's a power move right there, Caleb! We love to see it