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4:38 PM

0.3 mi


2:09 / 100yd

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SOOO frustrated with this swim. The tale begins nicely-- I drive to the Morris pool, pay my $2 to get in for lap swimming, hop in, start doing the workout that I had printed out beforehand. Just as I reach the end of the warm up, the lifeguards blow the whistle, and kick us all out of the pool (there were supposed to be another 1.5 hours of lap swim). The pool is closed for the rest of the evening due to a health department inspection. Right when Iw as getting into a good rhythm, feeling that old swim team grind... ughhh



That is frustrating, only 10 minutes in! What the heck?!?

Brandi Antonio

worst feeling ever. i’ve had to get out of the pool in the W before mid-workout and it sucks!

Carina Collet

I was so mad! I suppose I can't be too angry, as a lifeguard myself... but they at least could have warned me!