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10:36 AM



134 bpm
155 bpm
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So I had my speaker all ready to go. Then there was no eliptigo (I'm not sure where they went), so I decided to bike. BUT, Newsom was having what looked like a pretty serious conversation in the corner by the pole vault. I figured that I could just wait until he was done, then start playing my music (I didn't want to be rude). Well, 60 minutes later, he finally leaves. I had 3 minutes left. I did not play any music. I may have lost the last traces of my sanity. Actually, I'm not sure that there was anything there to lose in the first place. Still, #notdeadyet :)


Brandi Antonio

oof, this sounds rough. (and yeah, where did the elliptigos go?)

Jacque Garza

60 minutes later?! yowch