Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:00 AM

5 km


6:22 mi

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<No name>


I needed motivation to actually do this tempo, so I signed up last minute for a 5k in Grimes. Super small thing, but it got the job done. Felt good to easily be the first female, too. The whole thing felt so short! I kept thinking that I missed something because there was no way we were already so close to the finish!

I was wearing a Wartburg shirt, and a nice older gentleman came up to me after the race and asked if I went to Wartburg (yes), if I ran there (Yes, I was actually a 5-time All-American!), and then introduced me to his son, Owen, who will be a freshman there next fall. (Hello to Owen, if you're reading this?)

Fast forward to me having an existential crisis as I log this, because what if I'm too old and retired to still be on RunningAhead? Extra anxiety this week definitely not stemming from the fact that I have a marathon in less than 7 days. Nope, it's cool. I need some ashwagandha



Ah yes we love Matt Pries lol