Run: Easy Previous Next


4:32 PM

8 mi


7:06 mi


148 bpm
161 bpm


50 F
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A nice run with Buttercup. Lots of angst, will expand later

Edit: (The expansion). So, I was just really stressed about only being home for 1.5 days, it was just a lot of travel, lots of car time, and not enough time to enjoy my fam or get my studying done. Also, 6.5 hours of sleep Friday night was not helping my mood. And I was getting tired and jealous of everything being centered around Christopher. (Literally no one paid attention to my college decision because I was so assertive in choosing where to visit and when... Also, I was nowhere near as good as Ter is.). So, I was basically being whiny and petty, and I realized this and was mad at myself about it, but that just made me even crabbier, so it was a nasty little cycle, which was luckily broken by this runderful run with my beautiful doggo.


Clare Dave

runs and dogs usually help fix things on their own so when put together I’m sure that’s just what you needed ❤️