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11:08 AM



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Erin Phelan

Sweet Carina,

You never ever EVER fail to amaze me. Your work ethic through all of the trials that you are facing is incredible and I can't wait for all of it to pay off. I know how tough it can be to stay positive during an injury, not to mention the loss of a loved one. Just remember that it's okay if you are not okay. You can't always be positive in these situations and that's what makes you human! I wish that I could take away all of your physical and emotional pain, but I know that isn't

Erin Phelan

possible. In the meantime, the chicks and myself are always here to help in any way that we can. We love you and can't wait to see you get back to doing what you love!! You are so incredibly smart, fast, strong, and beautiful and I am beyond blessed to have you in my life. I know that you will handle the situation that you have been given with grace and you will become an even stronger version of yourself because of it.

Love you always,


Carina Collet

Erin, I'm crying, I love you