Health: Ankle Previous Next


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Stupid ankle needed a rest day and I haven't slept for almost three whole nights / the sun it hurts my eyes

Bad brain day


Shaelyn Hostager

Just here to say that I am sorry this is all happening and I understand. I've had my fair share of ankle problems (that dumb 10k but also can relate to the soccer thing when I stupidly fell in a hole at XC camp and sprained it bad on like the fourth day haha). Regardless of how "serious" it is deemed by the doctors, it still fucking sucks

Shaelyn Hostager

So you have every right to be mad. I think we are pretty similar when it comes to running injuries in that it destroys every fiber of our being and we get absolutely livid and annoyed and every other anger filled adjective because we just love it too dang much even though it does us dirty sometimes.

Shaelyn Hostager

You are definitely doing the right thing by resting (even though it sucks and feels LAME!) and you can and will come back stronger. I'm not here to give advice anyway, because you are smart and already know how to take care of yourself. Just here to let you know I get how frustrating this is and how it impacts more than just ones running abilities.

Shaelyn Hostager

I remember one time you told me something along the lines of "you are strong enough to pick yourself up and fight to live another day" and for some reason, that really stuck with me. I have always been so thankful to have you as a leader, teammate, and friend in my life and just want to say that I am here for you and I am proud of you for always fighting to live another day.