Health: Nap Previous Next



1 hrs


Idk who I even am because I took a nap. Not on purpose or anything, just sort of laid down and slept for an hour.

For a more entertaining read, here is a story about some chickens. My momma built a lovely chicken coop for the hens (and Edward) this fall. It's spacious and insulated and there are six nesting boxes with clean bedding and heat lamps. The chickens decided to fly oven the fence to the other part of the shed to lay their eggs in a dirty old sink. My father found these eggs and told my mom that the chickens were laying their eggs in an old toilet in the shed. My mom says, "There's not a toilet in that shed." We all traipse outside to see what the heck he is talking about and find a couple of eggs in the SINK. Typical 'hickens.
