Run: Easy Previous Next


6:41 AM

2 mi


7:17 mi


144 bpm
155 bpm
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I really wanted to go further, but I was still limping a little from the IT band pain. It feels better than yesterday, but I know that I should still XT today so that I can run the workout tomorrow.

Update: good thing I only went 2 miles, because walking around after even that was quite painful. Hmph.


Liam Conroy

be mindful of the workout tomorrow. I know you know this but on the off chance you need to hear this from somebody else: don't be afraid to cross train a killer workout!

Sam Pinkowski

Bummer! Take care of that thing! Graston really helps when mine acts up. You could use the blunt side of a butter knife if you don't have a graston tool.

Carina Collet

Thanks, Liam-- you are right, I did need to hear that from someone else.

@Sam, I appreciate the thought, but I've never grastoned before, so probably not the best idea to begin that experience with a butter knife, haha