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1 mi


10:00 mi

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<No name>


A barefoot cooldown with Caroline at the Wartburg home meet because I'm unhinged hehe.

Got a call from Caroline at ~1pm and she basically said, "I'm running the 10k tonight and I'm so anxious I haven't had a coherent thought all day." So I looked at the time, said, "I can make it in time. Don't tell anyone else I'm coming, but be cool, I'll drive to Iowa for you." Got in the car, drove to Waverly, got to see Caroline and Trinity and Moriah and my silly little brothers and Caroline was not as worried about her 10k (I think). Watched the meet from 5:30 to 9:30, drove home, got back at 1am and went to work at 7:30 the next morning hahahaha.

Lost my voice, but luckily I lost my mind months ago. :D
