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10:06 AM

7.1 mi


6:57 mi


154 bpm
170 bpm
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So, I was all ready to run with Buttercup. She gets outside and her whole back half is wagging; she's so excited! I do my lunges, then start down the driveway, and she barrels ahead of me. She flies along down the road, she's back and forth in the fields, she has so much energy! We get NOT EVEN TWO MILES IN, and she's gone. I just keep going, assuming that she'll rejoin me, that she found a small wild animal or something. Nope. I get home, and there she is, sitting the driveway, wagging her tail at me-- "Aren't you happy to see me?? I am good dog. Love me." Then she expects me to give her belly rubs while I do my form drills, AFTER she ditched me!? Ridiculous. She's on probation.


Collin Day

Hahahah I needed to read a log like this, thats pretty funny, but dang it Buttercup!

Clare Dave

If there ever a book written about the adventures of Buttercup I would read it. β€œI am good dog. Love me” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I’ve never met Buttercup but I know for a fact this is what she would say πŸ˜‚

Carina Collet

Maybe I'll make that a project for break-- write a novella on the life of Butterup. πŸ˜†