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6:28 AM

8.4 mi


7:10 mi

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I made up a new route around my house, trying to find as many "hills" (they're actually just the valleys that occur every time I cross the creek) as possible-- I found THREE! :D

I took Buttercup with me, of course, and she was really good until we got all the way to my neighbor's house-- a 1/4 mile from home-- and she decided to aggravate the neighbor's dog, but it wasn't a big deal, because they bother each other all the time.

Also, got to do a 1/2 mile on grass, because one of the roads that I planned on taking was very overgrown (I just went around the "road closed" sign). It used to be gravel, I think? Anyway, it's more like a driveway than a road, and the family that lives right on it used to ride horses there, but it looks like they mostly use it for 4-wheelers now. It was pleasant footing!


Jacque Garza

ugh horses. Hooray for finding new paths!