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6 mi


145 lb
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Ran a delightful miles with THE Emma Spoon in the Woesley Woods Trail system. Emma Spoon comes alive on trails, let me tell you!

We ran a fairly (ish) continuous route for the first 4 miles, and then had some zig zagging and out and backing and bush whacking to do to sorta round out 2 more. As I anticipated and remembered, that particular trail system is great for about 4-6, and any more than that would get pretty repetitive and uninspiring. However, it provided fantastic shade and a new venue and a nice surface for our 4 o clock run date, so it was perfect for yesterday.

I transitioned from skiing immediately into running, and felt pretty good doing it. Often times the immediate transition to running is better than the transition to running 3-5 hours later, and that seemed to be the case today. It felt a little awkward and stiff to begin with, but my legs warmed up to the familiar running motion pretty quickly, and i felt great after that. Around 6 miles in I started to feel pretty fatigued just overall, and started getting some pretty severe hunger pangs after a 6 mile run and a 2 hour ski, so I was happy to call it done after 6 and let Emma (the Stud!) run solo for a while to get 7.

It was a fun afternoon adventure!


Emma Spoon

Haha, that is probably a perfect description of me as a person, "coming alive on trails." Also, we should start planning our Saturday run because I'm already excited for another reunion and we are NOT running the lakes again...