Run: Fartlek Previous Next


7:45 PM

4 mi


8:00 mi


155 lb
  • Map



My race preparation the last couple days has been quite strange. Yesterday I ran easy, and planned to run easy today, and then race a 5k at north central tomorrow.

Last night around 10pm I learned Steve had forgotten to enter me in the meet so I didn't have a spot. Not going to lie, I was pretty bummed. But, knowing that, I opted to run with yarrow this morning and lift afterward like usual, and enjoyed a beautiful and energizing run on the trails. This morning around 10am we learned the last chance meet at la crosse was moved from Thursday to Friday. For many reasons, (weather, travel, competition fields, etc) we then decided it will be best to take our full distance crew to la crosse instead of north central. Entries for la crosse aren't due til tomorrow, so now I will in fact be racing a 5k. Sweet! :) So maybe a little more mileage today than I would have done had I known I would actually get a chance to race, but nothin that's going to break the bank.

The Luther finale was tonight, and I figured because I still have 48 hours til race time it was fine to rabbit the women's 1500 at the finale.

1.5 mile warm up

800 @80 seconds per lap (5 flat pace for 1500)

2 mile cool down

Came through the first 400 in exactly 80. Gosh I'm good at that.

Easy tomorrow and I should be ready to roll Friday night


Emma Spoon

Nice work bunnying!