Run: Distance Previous Next


7:00 AM

11 mi


8:00 mi


155 lb
  • Map



Ran with Sarah Owens this morning because her Monday schedule does not allow her to do long runs with the team at practice. We ran all of Palisades on a beautiful, crisp, Decorah morning, and while my legs didn't feel extra sparky, they definitely felt fine and I was certainly able to enjoy the effort. It is not quite the same as running around in the bluffs with the company I've had the last few days, but a perfect way to start the morning nonetheless. Again, like yesterday in Phelps, when we crested Palisades and crossed the road at the top, my legs were ready to be done climbing, but actually were feeling much better than they had at their worst moment yesterday.

I ran to school to pick up Sarah and then ran back home after dropping her off in circle drive, for a total of 11.

I completed perhaps the biggest consecutive 4 days I've ever had, and felt surprisingly good given the amount of work. During the last two miles of the run, from Luther back to my house, it was my mental stamina and not my physical stamina that started to give in. I almost laughed to myself getting in to downtown. My legs felt great, in no need of a stop or a break, but mentally I just sorta wanted to be done running. hah. Probably a good sign that a rest day is needed tomorrow.


Emma Spoon

You are crazy but also an awesome coach and running companion! It's about time you give those legs a well-deserved break. Take it easy, coach!


Awesome! You're one strong woman, you know that?

Maggie P

Sorry about the lack of descriptions the last few days friends, I was in a hurry to get to work and busy spending time with people I love this weekend ;)

Should be fully caught up with my entries now.

Emma Spoon

Oh good, I need excuses not to do my work. :P