Run: Distance Previous Next


9 mi


7:40 mi


145 lb


I had a great distance run for the first time since Monday, and felt really good like I did last weekend. I'm very glad to have had this run leading into an easy day tomorrow and race Sunday, because my Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday didn't leave me with much excitement or confidence.

I had a slightly frustrating day at work, and allowed myself a 20 minute nap when I got home, before heading out, something I never do and rarely have time for in the afternoon. When my alarm went off I was not in a particularly enthusiastic mood for running, but I dragged myself out of bed to get it done.

I started out wishing for slightly longer, 9-10 ish.

By the time I got to 2.5, I was settling for 5-6, because I just didn't feel good. Around 3 miles I checked my watch and for about the billionth time lately, realized I was running really fast. I think these days I pretty much crank out all my distance runs, out of habit, when really there's no reason to, whatsoever, especially when I'm trying to incorporate 3-4 quality days per week already. I consciously took my speed and effort down a notch, and immediately felt better. After 4 miles and 5 miles I was feeling great and smooth again, and my legs were warming up and starting to feel springy. I decided to talk on another loop out to the ocean, which put me at 7, and my legs felt even better, and then finally I took the long way home around the east rock perimeter to grab 2 more miles for 9. I was so content with my effort that when I saw my buddy Julie walking up from an afternoon of studying downtown, I walked the last half mile or so home with her.

Lesson learned, just slow down. Its amazing how many times you have to re-learn that lesson over the course of a running career. I think, usually, I'm pretty good about it, especially when I know I'm getting in good quality. But this semester, and I would guess especially this week, I take off on runs at a pace which fits the speed of activity throughout my day: a blur. I need to remember to simply slow down on my easy days. Hopefully that will also come more naturally as the weather continues to warm-up. Often times I find that in the winter I also take off in a hurry, in an effort to try to warm-up, which is just unhelpful.

Ran in a brisk 33 degrees today, in tights and two long sleeves. Sunny though, and a nice afternoon.




Emma Spoon

Word. Glad you benefited from backing off and working through those tough miles.