Run: Easy Previous Next


7 mi


145 lb
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Actually ran on a treadmill at the gym this morning. Not generally my first choice, but early morning was definitely my only available time today, it was absolutely pouring down rain outside when I woke up, and three of my friends were going to the gym early. That made the decision pretty easy.

Ran on a treadmill next to my buds Allie and Emily, both on ellipticals, and we chatted for about a half hour and that was fun. And then for the first time I watched some netflix on my phone and finished off another 3 easy miles. I haven't done this before, and I gotta say, it wasn't all bad. Did I feel a little too much like a recreational, designer outfit-wearing gym dweller? Yes I did. Will it become my norm? No, probably not. But for this time of year, with friends, and for an easy run, it was pretty fun.
