Run: Hill Previous Next


9 mi


145 lb
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Had a great 8 miles on the Greenway. I put my flats on and felt fast and light, which one of my favorite feelings of late. Additionally, any and all soreness from earlier in the week was gone, and I felt recovered and fresh after a day off yesterday. I ran as it was getting dark, and by the time I was done it was completely black out there. Fun to run during the transition time, as our friend Emma Spoon has named it.

Steep, Short Hill sprints 8x 50m

Did these at the end of my run, and then added on a short half mile cool down to get a total of 9 for the day.

These were hugely beneficial to me when I did them last spring, and I'm looking forward to them again. By the end of the 6th 7th and 8th repeats, my legs were screaming and not moving very fast at all, in a great way.

Started these in January last year, and looking forward to a jumpstart on them this December, in preparation for both a good track season and also probably a LOT of XC skiing, starting next week.
