Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:15 PM

8 mi


155 lb
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City Prairie


Workout with the team in City Prairie

5x 1000m tempo into 150meters @mile

Ran the first 3 with Tricia. WOOF. Wow that girl is fast. You forget how fast she really is just watching. Did 3 tempo pieces with her, and it was definitely a race effort for me. She is a machine.

Joined the next group for 2 more pieces, and the difference between their tempo pace and Tricia's tempo pace was startling. By the last one I was definitely, absolutely shot. Definitely not the best way to run a workout, or a race. Go out extremely hard, die, and then pull back the effort and try to hang on, making even the easier effort feel hard.

But it was a blast. I think Tricia appreciated a partner for a change, and everybody needs to be humbled once in a while.

Ran a 2 mile cool down afterwards and my legs felt like I had hit some serious lactic acid work. Thanks Tricia.


Emma Spoon

Woot woot! Now you're really earning your pay, Coach Pierson! :P Keep that supercompensation thing in mind, too. You have some speedy racing ahead of you this fall or next spring, for sure!