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11:00 AM

10 mi


7:35 mi

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Today I re-discovered why we as runners have to be early birds. After a late night of travel last night, I decided to sleep in a bit and eat some breakfast. After digesting I finally got out the door around 10:45. Terrible Idea.

It was hot and humid, and every step was a struggle for 10 miles. I even stopped at one point to sip some water out of a nearby stream. Probably a terrible idea, but I was desperate.

Not dead yet, and no rashes or odd bodily functions, so thus far the water has proven safe.

Note to self, do not wait in the morning. I feel like I have this run every summer, when I am reminded of appropriate running times and temperatures. It only takes one reminder, and I will not do it again!


Emma Spoon

Sounds like you had your annual "live and learn" summer run. Glad you survived, sorry to hear it was so miserable.


I'm glad you survived as well! I agree that every day, and especially long runs, shouldn't be done in the heat of the day, but I have come to find that some lunch runs each week better prepare me for any hot/humid races. It also makes morning races feel that much easier. Just an idea to maybe try to keep 1 run in the heat each week, but then again a lot of people tell me my training doesn't make much sense.

Maggie P

Drew, Good thoughts, thanks. With my schedule for the summer, inevitably I will end up doing some lunch runs. Any way to trick my mind into thinking this suffering is worth it somehow is better than nothing. And people tell me my training doesn't make any sense either. Good to go.