Run: Hill Previous Next


4:15 PM

12 mi


7:50 mi


155 lb
  • Map

B Hills


Great day for the team out on B Hills. I didn't have a great day, my hamstrings were really tight and overall wasn't feeling particularly perky, but it was an awesome day nonetheless. Ran 2 repeats with the lead group, and that felt good. The second one felt like a lot of work. I've been doing a lot of lifting, and I think my hamstrings are quite fatigued. Aerobic system and breathing felt great, so that was fun feedback. On the way back down after the second one I noticed Sam Lahey, a first year woman, sruggling up the hill behind any pack on her second repeat, so I hopped out and joined her for the last third of her repeat. We then recovered down the hill together. At the bottom I turned and headed up for a third repeat of my own. Did a third one for me, solo, as those who were doing a third were already on their way up, and those at the bottom had stopped at two. I stopped about halfway down after my third and spent a few minutes cheering for different packs of boys, and then joined Tricia for the second half of her 4th repeat. Ouch. It was great fun, and the two of us sprinted up the hill together. She said later that her pace had been faltering and my joining her pushed her to cointinue charging up towards the top, so I'm glad I could hang with her even just a little while.


Emma Spoon

Wow! Good work there, lady!