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4:30 AM

8 mi


155 lb


Run with Bruer on this BEAUTIFUL fall day. sports bra and shorts in one of my favorite places to run. Ran my home turf in wayzata. The Luce line is a long, flat, gravel trail, and I ran out 2 miles on the Luce Line before entering the woodrill trail system and doing about 4 miles in those trails. The trails aren't as plentiful as the trails of Decorah, but they are quite flowy and easy to run, with some good topography, so its easy to get in some miles, especially when I only get to run them when I'm home. Left Woodrill and ran the 2 miles back to my start point on the Luce Line. The weather was perfect, the leaves were a fantastic array of yellows and reds, and lake Minnetonka was pristine and looked like glass. I felt fantastic today, and had we not been having family over for dinner at 6 I would have continued. I felt as though I could have run forever. It was one of those days that reminds you why you love to run, and reminds you you should do it every day you can. I was excited to feel that good because Wednesday, Thursday, Friday this week that wasn't the case. I am hoping to have another couple of good mileage days tomorrow, Tuesday, and maybe Wednesday, and then taper off a bit late in the week so I can be "fresh and fiesty" (Steve's new catch phrase) for a trail race on Sunday.

I plan to head out tomorrow morning and get some more miles in as well, might as well re-connect with all my favorites while I am here. And then hopefully get a run with Sir Jamison on the beautiful Decorah trails when I return to Decorah tomorrow evening!



Good job, Mags, lovely to read. Lucky Jamie!

Emma Spoon

Woo hoo! Enjoy fall break at home. I'm glad you've been living it up at the Piersons'! Share my greetings, please!