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10:00 AM

41 mi


15.87 mi / hr


155 lb
  • Map

Blufton Rd.


Gorgeous and incredibly fun ride out Blufton Rd. to Canton MN this morning. Very satisfying to bike across state line Rd. and I can now check it off my list of things to do in Deborah before I leave. Was happy with my wardrobe choice throughout the ride which came as a relief because I had debated for a while before leaving. Temps around 40 degrees heading out, but supposed to be 50 ish by the time i'd be coming back. Decided on no tights and was happy with that choice despite a little chill in the 38 degree weather at the start. Jersey and 2 thin long sleeves on top, both light and small enough to tuck into a jersey pocket if needed. The flexibility of layers eased my apprehension. And only one pair of socks. This had me nervous, especially the giving the painful thawing my toes underwent a few days ago, but I was hoping the temps would rise quickly enough that 2 pairs of socks or bags weren't needed, and I was right.

Blufton was beautiful. Felt strong climbing the bluffs headed out, and the sun was shining without a cloud in the sky. Just south of Blufton I saw a VERY dead, unidentifiable animal in the middle of the road. It was quite picked over and I'm assuming had been a meal to many predators by the time I passed it today. Also watched some sort of hawk (Emma I wish you would have been there because I'm sure you would have been able to mournfully identify it), as it soared next to me above a field for a good half mile or so. It was very majestic and just sort of floating on the wind without having to flap much at all. Then suddenly it took a nose dive towards the ground and came up a few moments later with some lunch. A mouse maybe? It was way cool.

The last 5 miles to Canton after Blufton Rd T's were a battle. I wanted to make it to Canton before I stopped to eat something, so my stomach was growling slightly, and I was headed straight into a pretty good wind. Probably looked pathetic to people driving by as I struggling on the small, rolling hills with my weaning energy.

But after a short stop, some water, and some fuel, the ride back to Deborah was terrific fun. Winds at the back, familiarity with the route in my legs as I came back onto roads I've traversed before, and some tunes playing in the ear buds on this beautiful day. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and started to feel a little bit at home in the saddle towards the middle of the return trip.

By the end I was ready to be done, as especially my back was starting to stiffen up.

Great ride, and happy to be living a lifestyle in which I have a beautiful place and ample time to get out and play.


Emma Spoon

Thanks for the shout out and great imagery of this ride. Sounds heavenly! Also, I love that your phone/computer always seems to autocorrect Decorah to Deborah...

Maggie P

yes my phone does that when I enter things on my phone....

I need to start remembering that!