Run: Easy Previous Next


3:00 PM

4 mi


155 lb
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Really short and easy today. Typical Wednesday. Run actually didn't feel too bad, apart from the calves, especially the right one. I expected the calves today, the usual post hard track workout knots. Right one feels like its going to explode. Good.

Ran for the first time in my HOKAS today. They did in fact make my recovery run better, my legs didn't feel as trashed or as sore as they usually do on Wednesdays. When I was down in Phoenix with the Pasches for the USTFCCCA Convention the three of us went to the morning run sponsored by HOKA and got to try a pair. We all agreed we were the biggest skeptics of them all, but we actually liked what we felt. After that day we were all given a 70% off coupon for a new pair, and I actually won a FREE pair in a drawing. Well, a free pair of shoes is a free pair of shoes, and the Pasche's liked them enough to buy them, especially at $30 when they retail at $125. The three of us received them in the mail this week, and my plan was to try them out on my easy day. I feel like a bit of a dork, a bit too much like a recreational jogger when I put them on, but hey, if Steve Pasche can run in HOKAS than so can I. And yes, that is correct, Steve is running! Albeit not much, about 10 minutes per day, but he doesn't have any pain. He hasn't run in 8 years and has been able to run in these shoes. No high hopes at all for any training, but he's excited to hopefully work up to a 20 minute run with the guys a couple times per week. I don't know if he'd like me sharing that, so keep it to yourselves.



8 years? Pretty sure I ran with him in 2009, granted he was hardly running at all then so it's probably been 8 years since he's been healthy. Cool to hear he might be feeling good.

I also used to think HOKAs were lame, but further investigation (and Balto) lead me to accept them, but not buy yet.


Wow that is exciting! I had never heard of those, so I had to look it up. Very different approach to running, but if it works for Steve then great! How do you like them so far?

Maggie P

Nutmeg, Ya probably 8 years since he's felt good running at all.

And Cholo, I like them A LOT on my easy days. They certainly make sore and tired legs feel better during a run. It will probably be a long time before I can make any sort of statement about their claims of persons being able to train at a higher volume or intensity because of their shoe. But for now, thumbs up.