Run: Tempo Previous Next


1:30 PM

5.5 mi


6:44 mi


148.5 lb


64 F


Sailboat, yeah, that's what I want. I was looking at the lake that I was running around and I couldn't help but think about being on a sailboat while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while drinking a Canada Dry Ginger ale. :-) That sounds like way more fun than running 5.5 miles. Haha! I also forgot the feeling of running in front of people. I had gotten so use to running back roads where no one is watching you. When they're watching me run I tend to go faster and exhaust myself..... Something that I'll need to get a grip of during the marathon, as there will be people watching me the entire time. I just need to keep telling myself to run at the pace that I know I can run.
