Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:00 PM

11.2 mi

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Plan: Long warm-up, one mile on Cape Jr. High track followed by three min rest break then 5 mile Steamboat course tempo run. Delbert came up to run workout.

Warm-up: 1.5 miles at 11:52 then stretching exercises. 2.21 miles at 18:14 followed by additional stretches then to track for 4 striders and drills equaling another .35 miles for solid 4.05 mile warm-up.

One mile run at track to simulate quick first mile of HM and to make tempo run harder. Delbert lead first lap in 85 seconds. I led the second lap and we came through half mile in 2:51; Decided to pick up the pace. Delbert led third lap. I did not look at this split. I led the last lap and finished in 5:29. Ran inside lane but Garmin read 1.06 miles when crossing the line. ??? Delbert crosses in 5:31.

My half splits were 2:51/2:38. Three min recovery after mile as we walked to parking lot and drank some water prior to tempo run.

Tempo run: 5 mile Steamboat course. My splits: 6:10/ 6:03/ 6:10/ 6:02/ 5:49 for elapsed time of 30:14. Third and four mile felt hard and Delbert had opened up a 15 second lead after four miles. I tried to catch up with him on the last hill and through the last half mile of the course. He finished in 30:01 and had a great run, running negative splits each mile.

Cooldown of 1.10 mile in 10:21. Felt sick to my stomach during cooldown but typical of gut reaction after hard mile repeats and many tempo runs. Felt fine once getting some fluids and sunbelt bar in my system.

Analysis: Good overall workout. Even though I did not feel the best during the tempo run (legs felt heavy) was able to maintain a pace below what I am looking for at Memphis. When you factor in the first track mile, I had a sub-6 min/mile average for six miles so happy with that effort/time. My legs hurt as I write this. Must have been a good one.
