Run: Interval Previous Next


5:30 AM

5.6 mi


1.10 additional miles of drills/striders and warming up on the indoor track. Jump on the spinning bike ride at race pace for 10 min (4.3 miles) then to the TM. Take 4 minutes to walk over and jump on the mill.

1.5% incline: Start TM and turn immediately to 5:33/mile pace. Race this weekend: Run on TM starts the second you turn on the machine so seeing how much time is wasted coming up to race speed. Run 1.25 miles in 7:06 as I don't touch the speed adjustment. 3 min recovery jog at 8:15 pace

.50 miles at 5:30 pace then 2 min recovery jog at 8:15 pace

.50 miles at 5:27 pace then cooldown for about 15 min @ 1.0% incline prior to easy lifting session of squats 35# x 16 x 3 then HS curls with 35# x 12 x 2.
