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10:00 AM


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4.80 miles at level 8-10. Several 45 second "sprints" toward the end. Cardio feels good and no torquing to back or L leg with this activity.

25 min on curved TM = 2.0 miles

Appt with Bowen following workout.

Xtraining for another week. X-rays taken and no acute problems noted. L5 nerve involvement as indicated by manual muscle testing of the extremities. LLE noticeably weaker vs RLE but I knew that was going to be the case... Still kind of shocking to see the difference during the exam. No hard-core radiculopathy at this time; that is good news. His diagnosis = L5 radiculitis with sciatic nerve irritation.

Given meds, told to hold off on running for another week and use elliptical for any interval work I want to do to maintain cardio while preventing jarring to LLE/low back. A follow up next Friday to reassess situation.
