Run: Easy Previous Next


7:00 AM

6.5 mi


8:57 mi


Started with 4.85 miles on indoor track. Finished with another 1.65 miles on TM

—-Kept HR under 130 for almost 3 miles

Mile 1: 8:46 with ave HR 113 (69%) and Max HR 121 (74%)

Mile 2: 8:42 with ave HR 122 and Max HR 125 (76%)

Mile 3: 9:09 with ave HR 124 (76%) and Max HR 130 (79%)

Mile 4: 8:43 with ave HR 129 (79%) and max HR 136 (83%)

Final .85 on indoor track then onto TM because there are those people who cant figure out the comprehensive directions including: Walkers on the inside/Runners on the outside of the track. Therefore, when people are 3 wide they inevitably make the runners coming up behind them have to stop. Dumb-ass people. Oh well, I can’t fix stupid!

Yearly running total = 1,184 miles and 166:08 hours of running/jogging/slogging. Some of the best used time of the year, IMO. Everything is slowing down but the key is that I AM still running. The war of attrition is real and working on logging another 1100-1400 miles in 2022 if things go well.

Only three races in 2021: All certified 5K races and one above 80% with the other two 78%+. Solid but infrequent tests and considering how I felt most of the year, figure that is a win-win.
