Run: Easy Previous Next


4:35 AM

9.6 mi


7:44 mi


65 F
  • Map


Wanting to get some hills in so start at HP Fitness and run up Kingshwy, making a couple of detours along the way to hit some additional hills and reach Running Store right at 5:00 a.m with 3.40 miles logged in 25:15.

Wait around for about 2 minutes until the leader is ready to go and jump into the "faster" group heading down Kingshwy to Broadway and then taking Broadway to the river wall and back. Plan on staying on this path until coming back to Kingshwy then heading back to the gym to finish up with some elliptical work.

End up running with Rose Fox most of the way as the lead group was running faster and in front of her. Told her there were too many creeps running around on Broadway for any woman to be running by themselves.... Had 3 different people up in the lofts along Broadway heckling us as we ran toward the river. Ended up back at the gym with an addtional 6.21 miles in 48:57.
