Run: Easy Previous Next


7:00 AM

5.4 mi


8:12 mi


40 F
  • Map


Beautiful morning and lots of light at 7:00 a.m. due to daylight savings time changeover.

Just going to shake it out a little this morning. CBEM co-founder and I jogging along talking running; my favorite topic.

4.19 miles out and back on trail in 32:32 then another 1.21 miles of easy drills in 11:44 and I call it a workout.

Feel pretty good 24 hours post-race. Legs are naturally sore but feet not hurting at all and I think not pushing the final 3.5 miles hard yesterday was the right thing to do.

One more goal for 2013 and have the next 4 weeks to work on that race then going to relax for a few weeks.
