Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:40 AM

10.1 mi


6:52 mi


34 F
  • Map


First 5.6 miles outside. Two miles warmup in 7:45 and 7:15. Rolling effortlessly this morning. Next 3.6 miles at HM race projected pace: Go 6:29/6:29/6:15 and 6:03 pace for final .60 miles into the Healthpoint parking lot.

Start my watch when I stop then restart to get rest time. 3 min from stop point to starting up the TM in the gym.

Plan is 2.5 miles at HM pace: Go 6:31/6:27 then 6:18 for final .50 miles. Squash the temptation to rip off a sub 6 mile final 800 m. I got the information I need. two tenths of a mile at 8 flat then 2 x .30 mile repeats at 6:56 pace with two tenth recoveries at 7:56 pace.

Finish off with one easy mile at 8 flat pace.
