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7:30 AM

12.3 mi


9:46 mi


14 F
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4.15 miles on the Osage trail north with CBEM co-founder during last Sunday run of 2012. 14 degrees when we begin. I know this workout will be miserable. Barely starting to warm up following initial 4 miles.

Additional 1.10 miles of drills/striders. Probably around 18-19 degrees now and having difficult breathing in deep so going to alter my workout.

1200 x 6 at 15k/HM effort with 400m jog recoveries. Additional 1.1 miles of cooldown jogging after this and calling it quits as don't feel like breathing in any additional cold air.

Grandmaster does another cooldown by himself. 2012 runs in the book unless I can drag myself out in the morning prior to work.... Not betting on that but may attempt to do it.

The Skyspeed 2 shoes are being retired as running shoes after today. 587 miles on them and may be some of the reason my legs feel heavy. More likely, it is the heavy volume for the past couple of weeks.

2012 totals and racing summary will be posted tomorrow.
