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2:30 PM

15 mi


10 mi / hr

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<No name>


got done with this one and just was like, dang, that was fun. I feel like a kid again.

I went out to Brushy Creek, which is just outside a town called Lehigh. I had been there once before to meet my ex-girlfriend at the time because we lived a ways away and it was a cool place to meet. anyways, I drove there by myself to do some fat biking because I saw there was a random trail one time and thought id check it out. I got there and there were like groups of families riding horses everywhere. I passed this one dad who had holsters of beer on his saddles, belt, and one in his hand as he was riding lol--he had two kids around 13-15 years old with him. I got rolling on these crazy trails and then came to this massive downhill of about 300 meters where it was straight mud. I was just like, frick it, and went before I could think about how dumb it was. I got flying down this sucker and there were like pot holes and big sticks on the trail. the fat tires kicked up so much mud that my shirt and face were completely black. my helmet had so much mud in them that the holes on the top were filled with mud. I got down to the bottom only to round the corner and went straight into a creek lol--usually horses just walk across it but whatever. I made it about 3/4 of the way across before my front tire slipped on a rock and I had to get off the saddle. soaking wet, muddy as balls, and in an area that I have no idea what direction is what. Lehigh will do that to ya. decided to keep going to see where it went. gorgeous trail by the Des Moines River. I tried to take some different paths out of there but they were extremely muddy as well. My fat bike handled it a lot better than I thought it would. I only had to get of the saddle once due to 1. the lack of oxygen going into my lungs 2. the fat bike was slipping and I thought I was gunna crash. well anyway, I get off the seat rather quickly cuz I thought I was gunna fall of the bike and ultimately off the side of this giant hill if I crashed going up. I put my feet down on the ground and it was so muddy that my feet went sliding down the hill with my legs straddling the frame yet! my future kids flashed before my eyes. absolutely terrifying. just sliding backward down this hill while straddling a bike. made it up finally and decided to keep going to test my luck elsewhere. got to the point in the ride where my legs did not want to fire anymore. just trashed. decided to keep going for another 5 miles on this different trial that I saw in the distance. I got back to my vehicle later on just destroyed. grabbed a drink of water and then was like, "I wonder where that one trial went." I laughed as I joked to myself thinking that I should just go and see. Then I was like frick it and hoped back on the bike and went to find out. gnarly single track but ran onto this dude just walking off the path about 50 feet with strange clothes and it looked like he was looking for something on the ground. I was like, yep, calling it a day before I get stabbed outside of Lehigh. drove home basically naked because I didn't want to get my moms van muddy. felt like a kid again


Clare Dave

that's an entire adventure for sure