Bike: Easy Previous Next


7:10 PM

4.5 mi


15.88 mi / hr


155 bpm
159 bpm
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Fat biked to Skylar and Jaclyn’s to give her a birthday present. lil late. Skylar always has some strange invention brewing up—latest one being “poor man’s fiber glass.” Left their house, saw my dad leaving to go home in his tractor so I decided to chase him down the highway and use him for coverage against traffic. Last half mile I raced him and went into an all out sprint into the wind on the fat bike with low tire pressure. The hardest 22 mph I’ve ever seen. Got the dub nonetheless. Shoot me the day simple dumb racing gets old.

Hip still swollen, less painful now. Really wanna start running again. To misinterpret a quote from Jesus like those televangelist on the odd tv channels that you are forced to pay for on your monthly subscription, “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”
