Bike: Hill Previous Next


3:22 AM

13 mi


10.4 mi / hr

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<No name>


my family wanted to go to white rock conservatory today to bike, so I decided to do a small double this morning. White rock conservatory is 6,000 acres full of single track trails like Colorado. Its a little over a 50 minute drive from my house so that's awesome. I did a 16 mile long run here last summer and that probably was one of the hardest long runs I've ever did--it took me like 2 hours and 18 min if I remember somewhat correctly. Anyway, just dumb fun--felt like I was a kid again. the majority of the time I biked with Skylar and jaclyn. I could just fly down the hills and go psycho up them and then bike around the top until they got there. My heart rate was out the roof on some of those climbs (which one took about 15 minutes to climb). Its awesome because you can just get a super good workout on the climbs and then book it down these insane curvy single track trails. every 1 minute downhill is like 5 minutes up.
