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4:30 PM

0.7 mi


7:28 mi

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<No name>


Been sleeping about 12-14 hours every night. Had a fever of 102 from Saturday to Monday. Went to doc on Monday—got diagnosed with influenza. Dumb fatigued and sore/achey. Feels like post xc football game every morning I wake up. Felt a lot better today. Decided to try to run. Was gunna go a minimum of 2, ended up making it a littler over a 1k. Was coughing so much that I couldn’t catch my breathe. Thought it would be dumb to carry on so I stopped it there. Legs felt disconnected from brain—I felt like a dog wearing boots for the first time if you have ever seen those videos. Haven’t felt that weak since I broke my femur. It will come back to me a lot quicker.
