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9:45 AM

8.6 mi


14.74 mi / hr

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<No name>


I brought my dad's old beater bike and Nicole had her nice road bike so we were strangely similar in speed. we biked from the north side of bellevue to the south where there is a giant hill at Bellevue State Park. As we got into town about 2 miles from the hill, I told Nicole that I would race her to the top of the hill. she laughed, but then looked at my crappy bike and then her strangely strong competitive nature kicked in when she realized it was rather fair. I said I will go around the block once to give her a head start. she took me up on the deal and then she went crazy. I had a heck of a time catching up to her but finally caught her at a quarter of the way up the hill. she is a boss at hills and often bikes up this hill so she had a decent shot. I broke her after I passed her and then my chain popped off about halfway up because I was beating the crap out of it. I quickly put it back on and then kept going. I got to the top only to not find her behind me. I thought hill was a super good cross training for the day so I decided to go back down to find her and then go back up it again. after I hit the minutes that I needed for the day, we "slowed down" a mile per hour or two the last two miles back to her house for a nice Sunday morning ride.
