Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:45 AM

5.7 mi


5:19 mi

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<No name>


great tempo--the goose biked next to me. I did this exact same route the last time I tempo-ed at home and the gravel oofed me. the roads were in excellent condition this time and was able to rip out a solid building tempo.

5:33, 5:22, 5:10, 5:08, 5:21 (this mile, the gravel road stopped, and I had to run down and then up over railroad tracks on some thicc boy rocks. followed by a hundred meters of rough ground, so this is why this mile was a little slower.) 3:24 for .66 miles (5:08 pace to finish out).

had the song from tik tok stuck in my head, "somebody come get her, she's dancin like a stripper"
