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8:00 AM

30.2 mi


22 mi / hr

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<No name>


biked to work today. wanted to see how fast I could go so I cranked it up to 36 mph lol, that was sketchy because I left my bike pump at school so I've been filling up my tires with a hand pump so I can't see how much air pressure is in my tires. They seemed to be a little low when I was hauling. Averaged 30 mph for a couple of miles and then backed off before I blew a tire going that fast. got a crazy workout in at work afterwards. this dude asked us to put down some of the flooring that you would see in weight rooms--dumb thick mats. We have never done anything like this before but took it on. looked really well when we got done. they came in on these massive rolls that weighed like 600 pounds. once cut up, we were constantly throwing them around and moving them. kinda fun
