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Eyyy it’s Greyson!

Side note: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, 5 not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God; 6 that no one transgress and wrong his brother in this matter, because the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we told you beforehand and solemnly warned you. 7 For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness. 8 Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.

The raw hypocrisy that Christians hold in this realm is outstanding. Swift to condemn those who break the rest of the commandments, especially the 7th (stealing), just to boost their own pride and pat their own backs by saying, “At least I’m not that guy.” Oh how the Pharisees are still in our midst! (Luke 18:9-14). Lest the reader think I am the Pharisee, I must state that I myself am the chief of sinners. The Law of God makes that extremely transparent. By the Grace of God repent! Turn from these ways. Or have you forgotten how to blush? (As Jeremiah states in chapter 6). Oh we are young and youthful—our lives are ahead of us—we can repent tomorrow and live today—if it feels good it must be good—NO! The Lord has not promised you tomorrow, just today. Repent. Turn. Look to the cross where Jesus died FOR YOU and redeemed you from sin. Do not continue to willfully walk in the darkness. Open your eyes to the atrocities of objectifying women in real life through your porn lenses. Corrosive to both their and your faith in Christ. Let us trust in our Redeemer who saves us from these evils and grants us new hearts and minds to thirst for His Love and Word. Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.

“In addition, a recent meta-analysis of nine non-experimental studies and 2,309 participants on the relationship between SEM exposure and attitudes related to violence against women found a significant relationship between SEM and scales measuring rape-myth acceptance, likelihood of rape, and proclivity for perpetrating sexual harassment. Multiple qualitative studies have also documented that SEM can normalize sex acts viewed in porn and cause people to want to imitate what they see in real life, which has resulted in some women feeling traumatized or getting injured.”

“Across time and methods, research studies generally find that pornography, especially violent pornography, appears to be associated with small but significant increases in sexual assault-related variables such as rape myth acceptance, negative attitudes towards women, self-reported willingness to rape, and past history of assaultive behavior.”

“A significant number of women surveyed indicated that pornography was part of the actual incident of abuse. Twelve percent reported that pornography was imitated during their experience of abuse. Overall, the findings of this research support the idea that there is a relationship between pornography and violence against women.”

Interview with a Rapist, by Timothy Beneke

. . . I went to a porno bookstore, put a quarter in a slot, and saw this porn movie. It was just a guy coming up from behind a girl and attacking her and raping her. That’s when I started having rape fantasies. When I seen that movie, it was like somebody lit a fuse from my childhood on up. When that fuse got to the porn movie, I exploded. I just went for it, went out and raped. It was like a little voice saying, ‘It’s all right, it’s all right, go ahead and rape and get your revenge, you’ll never get caught. Go out and rip off some girls. It’s all right, they even make movies of it.” The movie was just like a big picture stand with words on it saying go out and do it, everybody’s doin’ it, even the movies. So I just went out that night and started lookin’.

When I first attacked her I wasn’t even turned on; I wanted to dominate her. When I saw her get scared and hurt, then I got turned on. I wanted her to feel like she’d been drug through mud. I wanted her to feel a lot of pain and not enjoy none of it. The more pain she felt, the higher I felt. . . I pulled out of her when I was about to come and I shot in her face and came all over her. It was like I pulled a gun and blew her brains out. That was my fantasy.

Pornographic movies have a lot to do with rape. I believe they shouldn’t make movies of any kind of rape. They just shouldn’t show it. . . You look at these movies and think, “Wow, I wonder what it would be like to go out and rape somebody!” . . . I know five or six guys who saw pictures of rape in a dirty book and believed it was all right to go out and rape; just still snapshots and that justified it to them. It said, okay, go out and rape because it’s in a dirty book; there’s nothin’ wrong with it.
