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10:00 AM

15.6 mi


7:04 mi

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<No name>


Great idea, poorly executed. We had a drive in divine church service where we could go and tune into a certain radio station while sitting in our cars. So, I wore my running clothes to church and then was gunna do a long run immediately afterwards. It was about a 25 mph with 35 mph wind gusts from the north, so I decided to go with the wind. I took off going south from the small town of Farnhamville to run to this lake called “Goose Lake” cuz I’ve always wanted to check it out and because of Goose. Anyway, I got going and I ran with my phone for the first 4 miles so my dad could come catch me on a bike to ride with me. It was about 33 degrees when church was going on. I turned on some old Lutheran Easter hymns ranging from 350 A.D. to the those writing during the Reformation, and was having a geek ball of a long run. At about 3 miles in, it started to rain/sleet hard. It would go on and off for the next 6 miles. I didn’t go straight south the entire time because the roads would stop at some points. I would buck the wind in the rain/sleet with my dad on a bike. I wore two pairs of those super cheap $1 black gloves that you can buy at Walmart. They soak up water like it’s no tomorrow. The temperature for some reason kept dropping and it turned to snow/sleet. I had on these skimpy arm bands and a thin yellow jacket. Buddy. The coldest I think I’ve ever been. I didn’t realize it but my gloves had literally become frozen and I couldn’t rotate my hand because my forearms were so cold. I tried warming them up as I went but did have much luck. I didn’t think they were that bad until I got in the vehicle. I about threw up. I don’t know why—if it was the shock to the heat or because it hurt so bad or a combination of both, but I about passed out and threw up. Didn’t talk for 10 minutes. My hands were tingly and slightly purple for the rest of the day like I lost part of my nerve endings.



For Goose.